The EVAN Toolbox (ET) is a software package developed by the European Virtual Anthropology Network – EVAN ( and the EVAN-Society to facilitate form and shape analysis of objects featuring a complex geometry. It uses Geometric Morphometrics (GM) which includes methods such as General Procrustes Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Thin-Plate Spline Warping or Partial Least Squares Analysis. The software also supports data acquisition, i.e. to locate landmarks and semilandmarks on surfaces (curves will follow in a next version). The EVAN Toolbox is intended for research and education purposes. If you use ET for your work, please don’t forget to acknowledge the EVAN Toolbox in the appropriate section of your publication. It is available for the systems Windows XP and Windows 7, Linux, and MacOS X.

arrow-r Download EVAN Toolbox Manual No.1 v2.6 (1.6 MB)
arrow-r Download Tooth Data ET Templand (12 MB)
arrow-r Download EVAN Toolbox Manual No.2 ET Core v1.8 (6.4 MB)
arrow-r Download Crania Data ET Core (8 MB)

The idea behind the EVAN Toolbox is to make your life easier if your task is to analyse 3D shape and form of complexly shaped objects as we find them, for instance, in biology and medicine. ET is particularly focused on the advanced visualisation of shape and form comparisons. ET interacts with its users in the form of a programmable network in which the operator specifies the flow of information and control among various components, called nodes. To learn more about ET’s capabilities, please download the manuals above.

The source code of ET (status January 2010) is available to users worldwide under the license agreements of GNU. You can download it under “SUPPORT>ET Open Space and compile the program on your own.

If you would like to obtain updated (status 2011) or compiled components (executables for Windows, Linux and MAC) of the EVAN Toolbox (ET), including more documentation and tutorials, exhaustive test data, a set of pre-defined templates for analysis (VPNs), or if you want to get access to the EVAN Archive with 3D data of primates and other mammals, the discussion board, trainings, and meetings, then please join the EVAN-Society.

Transformed and registered surfaces of human crania in a Generalised Procrustes Analysis Transformed and registered surfaces of human crania in a Generalised Procrustes Analysis
EVAN Toolbox display of a warped specimen, specimens grouped into males and females, cutting plane and grid for visualization of warp space. EVAN Toolbox display of the transformed and registered surfaces of human crania in a Generalised Procrustes Analysis.